Ayke van Laethem

Uploading README.rst to PyPI

, by Ayke van Laethem

TL;DR: if you just want to add a README.rst file to a PyPI package, do something like this:

from distutils.core import setup
import os

ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

      long_description=open(ROOT + '/README.rst').read(),

Every package should have a README, right? Right. So it should be easy to add a README to a package. I'm now talking about publishing a package to PyPI, the Python package index (sort-of like npm for Node.js and crates.io for Rust). This was written after I published my zipseeker package to PyPI. And it's a bit of a rant.

Every PyPI package includes a setup.py file, containing some metadata. Something like this:

from distutils.core import setup
import os


      description='Create a streamable and (somewhat) seekable .ZIP file',
      author='Ayke van Laethem',
      keywords=['zip', 'http', 'streaming'],

So I published the package, but unfortunately the README was left out. Of course, the Python people prefer reStructuredText while I prefer Markdown. I even write this blog post in Markdown, as it is easy to convert to HTML and I prefer a text-based format to a WYSIWYG editor anyway. But enough about Markdown.

So they want reStructuredText. Fine. I'll convert my easy-to-write Markdown file to that somewhat strange format. But then again, I'm not very used to reST it so maybe it's just a matter of experience. And as distutils apparently doesn't include the README.rst file automatically I'll add include *.rst to the MANIFEST.in file. And publish again (with a new version number of course, they don't accept the same number again).

Still this doesn't work. Of course. Apparently it's not enough to include the file, you have to actually read it's contents and put it in a long_description parameter. And here is where the fun starts.

First, I tried just adding the most obvious long_description parameter, with the hope it would work well. Something like this:

       description='Create a streamable and (somewhat) seekable .ZIP file',
       author='Ayke van Laethem',

Uploading works fine (the open call succeeds) but installing using pip doesn't work: setup.py is run with a different working directory so the file README.rst can't be found. We have to find where the setup.py file is located so we can actually open using the right path.

The solution I came up with is:

ROOT = os.path.dirname(__file__)
if not ROOT:
    ROOT = '.'

      long_description=open(ROOT + '/README.rst').read(),

Finally, this works!

The sample project uses a slightly different system, which I eventually adopted:

here = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))

# Get the long description from the README file
with open(path.join(here, 'README.rst'), encoding='utf-8') as f:
    long_description = f.read()


Of course, I could have found this if I had looked for the sample project. It's linked right there in the official documentation. But I used a different tutorial which didn't make such things clear. And really, if all Python files are included automagically (of course) why not just assume default locations for standard files like a README.rst or a LICENSE.txt? </rant>
